Diversity & Inclusion In STEM

By Cinthia Floes and Devan Steoling

What inspired you to create a podcast on women in STEM? I was thinking about how there are so many different cultures and they are all unique. As a Hispanic undergrad in STEM, I realized that looking into the lack of diversity and inclusion in STEM would help me better understand the improvements needed to be made in today’s age.“ What is this podcast series about? “This podcast explores the lack of diversity and inclusion in STEM. We explore the gaps in races/ethnicities and how improvements are being made in today’s age. How did I decide on the format? I took inspiration from my previous podcast ‘The Growing STEM of Women’ and tried to maintain a conversational tone in order to engage the audience. I wanted to do this while being informative.” Is it easy to create a podcast? “Absolutely yes. Anchor allows users to create podcasts with plenty of instructions. I used my phone microphone to record and it honestly sounds decent. Not to mention that Anchor is free!” What do you hope people take away from this podcast series? “I hope people take away that there is still a gap in diversity in STEM in modern day. It has been a problem for years but one that has room for a lot of improvement. I am thankful for the programs being set in place such as Nvolve that are bridging these gaps.”

Take a listen to the podcast . Inclusion Matters- Diversifying the World of STEM • A podcast on Anchor

Faye O'Brien

Faye O’Brien is the Founder and President of Nvolve Inc.


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