The Growing STEM of Women

By Cinthia Flores

What inspired me to create a podcast on women in STEM?

My own inspiration to join the STEM fields was from hearing about the different careers of women in STEM and how they have changed the world. Nvolve has opened my eyes at the various opportunities and resources women have available to them. I want to spread inspiration for women to join the STEM fields no matter who they are!

What is this podcast series about?

This podcast series journeys through the stories of women in STEM, from and the past through the present. I dive into the inspirations of each woman and what contributions they have made to the STEM fields.

How did I decide on the format?

Before I created my podcast series, I listened to different podcasts on platforms such as Spotify. Some of my favorite podcasts are “ Stuff You Should Know” and “Life Kit”. I observed how each different podcast would bring their own personality and spin to their episodes. I also took note of the music, transitions, and ad placements people choose to do. I decided to stick to short episodes (8 minutes), place ads towards the end of my episodes, and use soft and interesting orchestra pieces. In terms of personality, I picture myself having a normal conversation with a friend about one of the most interesting things I’ve ever heard!

Is it easy to create a podcast?

Absolutely yes! I use the app Anchor that allows me to create and edit my podcast. Editing is very simple, and the app allows me to cut out or add recordings. I can also add sponsorships which will allow me to earn some money. Additionally, Anchor distributes the podcast to different platforms such as Spotify.

What do I hope people take away from this podcast series?

I hope my listeners are more open to to women pursuing  any career in the STEM fields. There are so many different opportunities out there and I feel that so many times we are hesitant to reach out;  whether for fear,  insecurities, or simply just knowing about the possibilities. We shouldn’t let anything get in the way. If men can do it, so can we!

Take a listen….


Successful Failures in STEM


My very first article… I am now published!